Technology in the Classroom
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Journal 6: Google+
Brogan, C. (2011, September 30).
Educators-google plus is for you [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Parr, B. (2011, July 28). Google : The
complete guide [Web log message]. Retrieved from
In this blog post, “Google+ The Complete Guide,”Ben Parr explains how Google+ is the next
best social media network. He has designed and included a complete guide to
navigating this fresh new place to hangout and network. He admits that it’s not
the easiest thing to learn, so he has tried to help by providing resources for
new users. It was appropriately named Google+ because it is still Google, but
In the blog post “Educators- Google Plus in for You,” by
Chris Brogan, he discusses how educators should use Google+ in their
classrooms. He lists making class circles for a community of learners to share
cyberspace, and teachers sharing lesson plans to limited users as the points
for educators to join. I love the idea of PLN’s now that I am benefitting from
one, so I can imagine how I could make Google+ work for me.
Q1. If Google+ is
such a great tool to use, then why hasn’t Jeff walked us through the process
when he knows it’s a bit more challenging?
I believe that he has set us up to make our own wise choices
when it comes to creating the remainder of our PLNs, and we should be able to
take our previously learned knowledge about how these Internet tools and
services work, and hopefully apply them here without fail.
Q2. Where can I go
for tutorials to make it all make sense if I’m an auditory learner?
Click here to see how Google+ can surpass even Facebook
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Journal 9: Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe
Lamb, A. (2011, November). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and leading with technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from
This article discusses how the concept of reading is
changing from technological advances and books are no longer a medium
constructed of paper and binding. Current reading tools include e-books, interactive
storybooks, databases, interactive fiction, and transmedia storytelling. The
use of these tools throughout the past couple decades has changed reading as we
know it, and current surveys of youth agree that they would read more if they
had access to e-books. By immersing students into transmedia storytelling, the
readers are engaged and tend to learn more from lessons. This has made
significant changes in curriculum building in order to teach subjects such as
history, geography and science when seeing and hearing about a lesson can speak
so much louder than written words.It isn’t just the current trend, but the new reality.
Q1.With the new
technologies allowing students to read from web based sources and electronic
devices where authors are getting creative, how do students know what is fact,
and what is fiction?
As the writer
disclosed, there are authors who will write a fiction novel with factual
backgrounds and information, but they will also lead readers away to fake
websites that are designed to appear legitimate. It is our job as educators to
teach students to read critically and not accept every written word as truth
and always question the credibility of sources.
Q2. How will these changes impact the way children learn how
to read?
I know there are pros and cons to relying on these
technologies to teach children how to identify letters, distinguish sounds, and
form words, but there are some great tools that stand in for a lack of human
interaction. Unfortunately, many children will be left with these devises
instead of sound human experience. Computer based games and learning devises
should balance with caregiver interactions during early childhood.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Journal 7: My Personal Learning Network
Visit Classroom 2.0
A personal learning network (PLN) is
an assortment of Internet tools that makes it possible for me to immerse myself
in a free stream of information that is very specific to my personal interests
and needs as a future educator. By using Twitter, Diigo, Blogger, Facebook,
YouTube, Google Docs, RSS feeds on iGoogle, and the next fun and exciting tool
that is to come, I am able to view information that I would normally have to
spend hours, days, or a lifetime searching for- but it all comes to me instead!
By being part of my PLN, no matter how often or to what capacity I choose to
participate, I have an advantage over others who don’t surround themselves with
like minded or goal oriented researchers for the sake of professional
I never thought I would have a
Twitter account, but it has proven to be an amazing tool that makes it easy and
convenient to communicate or simply learn from people, organizations and
agencies that have an abundance of information to share. I follow some
experienced educators who have a passion for their work and enjoy sharing
tricks of the trade. I also follow many teacher organizations and publications
that provide resources for the classroom and give me a broader perspective of
education and how technology is transforming the classroom. Many of the
organizations are very specific with information about their cause; they
provide instant toolkits for topics such as bullying, creativity, disabilities,
politics, literacy, advocacy and anything that I would ordinarily research on
my own. Popping into EdChat is easy while on my dinner break at work. It was at
4:00 on Tuesday October 25th. They discussed the idea of BOYD, or
Bring Your Own Device to the classroom. A lot of what was said was about how
kids already do, but if used correctly, they can learn how to be more
productive with the same tool. It is a tough subject that is up for debate
because of equity and security issues, but there is no doubt that these tools
will be as standard as a number two pencil one day. Being part of a PLN makes
me feel like I’m part of something grand and it gives me confidence to leave my
digital footprint for others to follow and learn from. It is great to be able
to see the feed on my iGoogle page whenever I open my computer or be able to
catch up on relevant articles while in the grocery line. Twitter makes it easy
to be informed in a busy world.
I feel the
same excitement for Diigo as I do for Twitter because they pretty much go hand
in hand. When someone posts an amazing resource on Twitter, it only makes sense
to retweet it and then save it to Diigo. It is wonderful to search my own
bookmarks and view others’ by searching tags. I found great people to add to my
network by searching tags that I am interested in learning more about. I am
following educators who have invested time into their research and are generous
enough to share that with me- and I can’t believe the deal Jeff worked out to
get this all to us for free! The items that I tagged “PLN” are links that
provide new and avid users with information about how to create or utilize a
PLN and resources for expansion.
I joined
Classroom 2.0, which is a discussion forum for individuals who are interested
in social media in education. There is so much to explore and it is a self-paced
guide to understanding technology and getting comfortable with it in order to
implement it in our classrooms. I have viewed a lot of articles, discussions
and videos, and I love how it caters to so many different levels of interest
and expertise. Some of the videos I watched were very informative, and others
were simply creative ways to share information. One lesson plan I viewed
allowed me to observe a teacher’s unique approach to teaching, and another
video articulated how different today’s classrooms and students are from the
time I was in school. I will definitely benefit from having Classroom 2.0 as
part of my personal learning network.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Journal 4: It’s In the Bag
Basham, J.,
Perry, E., & Meyer, H. (2011). It's in the bag. Learning and leading
with technology, 39(2), 24-25. Retrieved from
Wow, what a concept! I really enjoyed the idea of engaging students in digital backpack based projects because it gives them another outlet for their learning to be assessed. Some students are best suited for multiple choice testing, and others write good essays. I think that in this changing world, it is an excellent idea for children of the youngest ages to be given assignments that make them think outside of the 8 ½” X 11” box and express their learning in ways that prove true understanding. These are great ways to have students collaborate with each other and be assigned roles in a co-leadership group. When students are given criteria for a project or assigned a task that has endless possibilities, they are already set up for success because they can make what they want of it. They aren’t limited to the construction of a paragraph, but they can articulate their ideas and passions for their subject within their presentation. Using this media in the classroom is not the future, it is the now, so as educators we need to embrace its omnipotence and use it as a tool to encourage our students’ growth.
Question #1:Where might a school get the funding for these technologies?
There are a number of ways that teachers and classrooms can get technologies to use in their classrooms without attacking the pockets of taxpayers. There are many grant programs that offer monies to build programs or supply technology to students and schools. There are a multitude of websites and chat services designed to assist teachers and administrators with this process.
Question #2: What are the standards for primary grade students pertaining to these technologies? Are there devices that are inappropriate for young users?
Although some devices would need adult supervision, the technology is easily acquired by young children and utilized more appropriately than I would imagine. There are children’s programs that allow preschoolers to create live video with simple editing techniques and create original products far from resembling the traditional cookie cutter Halloween pumpkin hanging on the kindergarten wall. This allows for in depth focus and reflection on individual work that incorporates a much broader array of the curriculum.
Journal 3- Students Dig up Dirt to Learn About Internet Safety
Morehouse, J. (2011). Students dig up dirt to learn about Internet safety. Learning and leading with technology, 39(2), 34-35. Retrieved from
In the article, Students dig up dirt to learn about Internet Safety, the writer invents an engaging lesson plan to let students see first hand that their “image” on the Internet is far from private. He elaborates on the steps to present this real life situation to students who use sites such as Facebook and Twitter to social network. After reading this article, I too am curious about what I can do to protect my anonymity and integrity of my web presence. This exercise is also a lesson on credibility, and proves that a researcher must check their facts before simply accepting written words. It also illustrates how falsely presented information can be misconstrued by the finder to use to their advantage. This is important to the upcoming generation of social networkers who might not be aware of such threats as they navigate through their supposed confidential networking world.
Question #1: Are there people who use this information to present themselves in a better light because they know people are looking? I believe that there are people who are more concerned about their Internet presence than they are about how they conduct themselves in real life. Just from considering the people who sign up for Internet date services or sign on with LinkedIn, could very easily provide false information. Is this to be believed?
Question #2: What can people find out about me now that I have a broader web presence? …Let’s find out. Looks like someone’s on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook- even one that’s not me, but that’s okay because the profile picture appears quaint and it makes me want to visit Savannah, GA. I found my old addresses in New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts simply by doing a Google search! You might be led to believe that I have passed away.
In the article, Students dig up dirt to learn about Internet Safety, the writer invents an engaging lesson plan to let students see first hand that their “image” on the Internet is far from private. He elaborates on the steps to present this real life situation to students who use sites such as Facebook and Twitter to social network. After reading this article, I too am curious about what I can do to protect my anonymity and integrity of my web presence. This exercise is also a lesson on credibility, and proves that a researcher must check their facts before simply accepting written words. It also illustrates how falsely presented information can be misconstrued by the finder to use to their advantage. This is important to the upcoming generation of social networkers who might not be aware of such threats as they navigate through their supposed confidential networking world.
Question #1: Are there people who use this information to present themselves in a better light because they know people are looking? I believe that there are people who are more concerned about their Internet presence than they are about how they conduct themselves in real life. Just from considering the people who sign up for Internet date services or sign on with LinkedIn, could very easily provide false information. Is this to be believed?
Question #2: What can people find out about me now that I have a broader web presence? …Let’s find out. Looks like someone’s on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook- even one that’s not me, but that’s okay because the profile picture appears quaint and it makes me want to visit Savannah, GA. I found my old addresses in New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts simply by doing a Google search! You might be led to believe that I have passed away.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Journal 2: Join the Flock and Enhance Your Twitter Experience (NETS-T I-V)
Ferguson, H.
(2010). Join the flock. Learning and leading with technology, 37(8),
12-14. Retrieved from
Miller, S. M.
(2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and leading with technology,
37(8), 14-17. Retrieved from
In the article “Join the Flock,”
Ferguson is inviting you to take advantage of twitter as a tool to get
connected with others in your area of education or even make multiple accounts
in order to separate your career from your opinionated or recreational news.
She breaks the process down for people who are yet realize the potential of a
PLN, or a personalized learning network, and she explains how easy and
beneficial it is to be immersed in a community that exchanges knowledge for the
purpose of professional development.
Miller goes on in her article about how “you will start to include your PLN in your thinking,” and I believe that this is very true. I have been talking about Twitter from the night we were introduced to it, and although I’ve gotten my repugnant responses when I would share my new experience with the world, the people who already used Twitter, or went on to try it agreed about its educational value and can’t see themselves in a world without it. I enjoyed how the article acknowledged that people start out shy and then raise their Twitter voice with confidence once they get the hang of it.
This is tweet-tastic, and now I’m so addicted- how can I stop?
Don’t worry, there are Twitter
Limits set in place to ensure you don’t spend all day tweeting.
With all of these things to do online, how will I find time to read all of these tweets and find interesting news to share to keep up with the community?
That’s the beauty of it- the
thinking that Miller is talking about becomes reality and soon you will be thinking
about how useful a resource is to you and instantly wanting to share it! It
almost motivates you to look harder because you’re contributing to your tweeps’
learning too. TweetDeck can simplify your Twitter experience, and don’t forget
to put it right into your iGoogle homepage.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0
NETS-T V: Engage in Professional Growth and Development
I was particularly interested in this area because of our unique position of being part of the technology generation, so as teachers, we will be modeling the use of technology for our future colleagues and even bosses. We need to learn what we can now in order to further our own abilities and strengths in the classroom, but also for the advancement of technology education in our learning community.
In an article that I stumbled upon, it describes virtual schooling (VS), and shows how rapidly it has been accepted in k-12 education. I have taken online courses through Blackboard before, and I have experienced the benefits and burdens of such instruction. I don’t want to become a teacher who can’t keep up with the technological advances that help students succeed. Think about it, how do you feel when an instructor doesn’t post your test score to Moodle by the end of the week?
It is making an impact on connecting students who otherwise don’t have access to a classroom due to time, location, or circumstantial reason. In 2006, Michigan implemented virtual schooling as a high school graduation requirement, and I think this is a good idea because it shows students how to navigate technology in order to be lifelong learners. If work, family, and life get in the way, virtual schooling might be just what some students need to continue their education.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Katherine's Weblog Debut
“Where on the technology continuum?” you ask… Well, if you rate it on a scale of A thru Z, I would say I’m at the spot where a young child is learning the alphabet and trips over the “el-uh-men-oh-pee” part. I’m competent enough to figure out the important stuff, but I don’t quite have it mastered or working well for me yet. Some recent developments in my technological life are that I have finally upgraded from Microsoft Works to Word (no more .rtf!), and my dumb phone got a major makeover- but I will still never pay for cable. It’s amazing to see how much apps have changed lives. Much like a child’s rapid acquisition of language, I plan to embrace change and grow exponentially during this semester as I learn to utilize the newest member of my family- my MacBook which I have named “Superfluous”. I feel a thousand pounds lighter because I finally have the tools I need for success, and I look forward to learning new ways to work smarter and not harder.
The mission statement
wasn’t necessarily a factor in applying to CSUSM, but I can appreciate a lot of
what is said in it. While taking classes towards both liberal studies and child
development degrees, I understand the importance of knowing both what you teach
and how you teach it. I am an advocate for child or student-centered education,
and as a life-long learner I am continually challenging myself to both chase
after my own interests and find out more to foster the teachable moments of my
future students. The support of the School of Education in students’ success is
admirable, and we are on our way to creating positive change!
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